CoRL 2017

 CoRL2017 - Conference on Robot Learning 2017

The  first edition of the  Conference on Robot Learning  was held in Mountain View, California on Nov. 13-15 2017


CoRL 2017 Proceedings are available as 78 volume of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)

You can watch video recordings of CoRL 2017:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

CoRL 2017 Open Problems and Session Notes.

View photos of the conference here.


J. Andrew (Drew) Bagnell | Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

Rodney Brooks | Professor Emeritus, MIT

Anca Dragan | Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

Yann LeCun | Director of AI Research, Facebook and Silver Professor, NYU

Stefanie Tellex | Joukowsky Family Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Brown University

CoRL 2017 General Co-Chairs

Ken Goldberg, UC, Berkeley

Sergey Levine, UC, Berkeley

Vincent Vanhoucke, Google

CoRL 2017 Organizing Committee

Melanie Saldana, Google

Lindsey Owens, Google 

CoRL 2017 Publicity & Sponsorship Chair

Debadeepta Dey, Microsoft Research

CoRL 2017 Area Chairs

Byron Boots, Georgia Tech

Jonas Buchli, ETH Zurich

Sonia Chernova, Georgia Tech

Marc Deisenroth, Imperial College London

Abhinav Gupta, CMU

Raia Hadsell, DeepMind

Leslie P. Kaelbling, MIT

Jens Kober, TU Delft

George Konidaris, Brown

Torsten Kroeger, KIT

Marc Pollefeys, Microsoft/ETH Zurich

Ingmar Posner, Oxford

Jianxiong Xiao, Princeton/AutoX

CoRL Steering Committee

Abhinav Gupta, CMU

Aude Billard, EPFL

Dieter Fox, University of Washington

J. Andrew Bagnell, CMU

Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt

Joelle Pineau, McGill University

Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley

Leslie P. Kaelbling, MIT

Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley

Minoru Asada, Osaka University

Paul Newman, Oxford

Peter Corke, QUT

Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley

Raia Hadsell, DeepMind

Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley

Stefan Schaal, USC and Max Planck Institute

Stefanie Tellex, Brown University

Vincent Vanhoucke, Google

Wolfram Burgard, University of Freiburg

CoRL 2017 Sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

Partners & publication support

Journal of Machine Learning Research: proceedings publication